Thursday, September 25, 2014

A Fan or Family?

My husband is off on Fridays, which is our weekly date day.  We usually walk the three-mile path at Memorial Park and then head to our favorite breakfast spot, Barnaby’s.  We have become such regular customers on Friday mornings that they know our names and what our order will be. In fact, they will automatically put our order in when we walk in the door.  We know their names and they know ours.  Sounds like the theme song of the old television show, “Cheers!”  It is a comfortable place to be, feels like being with family. But, are they family, or are we just fans? 

Being a part of a large church can be daunting at times.  On a given Sunday it seems like there’s a new sea of faces walking past me in the hallways.  There are so many people that I only know by face and some I know only by name.  Since my husband is the mission’s pastor many people know our names and our faces, but unfortunately we don’t have a clue when it comes to knowing who they are.  That is one of the reasons I teach a Bible study each Sunday and mentor young women one-on-one.  When I interact personally with the members of my class or those I meet with in a mentoring relationship, I get to know them on a deeper level.  When this happens, we move past the superficial stage of greeting one another as we pass by in the hall, to a heart to heart connection.  We become family. 

Jesus said, “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.”  In this scene found in Luke 13 Jesus answers the question, “Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?” He goes on to explain that many will be trying to get in the kingdom of God who were simply fans of Jesus, but never truly got to know Him as family.  Those, He explains will not be able to enter heaven.  

Our Facebook culture loves collecting “friends” as fans rather than investing in real lives.  The people who walked the streets in Jesus’ day had seen Him walking past them and had heard His teaching, but they never committed to following Him.  They never took the time to truly listen to what He was teaching, nor did they seek to get to know Him personally.  They were fans of Jesus and when that final day comes for them to enter eternity they will assume that just knowing who Jesus was will be their ticket in to the doors of heaven.   Their assumption will be completely in error!  My heart breaks for the enemies of Jesus and the complacent fans of Jesus, for they will be left out of His forever family because they did not invest in a relationship with Him. 

Jesus is the only way, truth and the only way to life everlasting.  Just knowing His name is not enough.  Believing that He is who He says He is, and confessing with your mouth and your life that He is Lord is your ticket in to the doors leading to a forever family in heaven.  (Romans 10:9-13)

Yesterday I had the joy of witnessing an adoption. As the couple stood before a judge an attorney asked questions validating their commitment to the two precious girls they were seeking to adopt.  Once the judge was convinced of their investment in and commitment to the girls, she proclaimed them an official family!  Quite a celebration followed.   What a picture of standing before the Father, a righteous Judge with Jesus our Defender proclaiming us righteous members of His eternal family.  It is only through faith in Christ alone that we will enter the doors of heaven.
Proclaimed an official Family!

 The door of heaven is narrow for a reason.  You go through the door alone, not in a group and not as a fan.  It is a personal relationship, a committed friendship, and an investment in the One who gave His life in order to open the door to His family. Revelation 3:7-8 tells us that Jesus has laid an open door before you.  What is keeping you from walking through it?  Drop the bags of doubt, fear, and complacency because they won’t fit through the narrow door.  Just come as you are, the real you, leaving the status of fan for the new status of family, where the Only One who matters will know your name, your face, and your heart. 

Forever in the Family,

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.  If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”  John 14:6-7

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