Thursday, October 8, 2009

Check out my book on!

Taking the Word to Heart

By Nancy Taylor

More than a decade ago, Nancy Taylor made a commitment to memorize one verse of scripture a week for 52 weeks, with the goal of quoting all 52 verses at the conclusion of that year. Never could she have conceived what God had in store for her through this simple commitment to hide His Word in her heart.

In addition to allowing her to experience a deeper, more intimate relationship with Christ, memorizing scripture has provided Nancy with many opportunities to minister to those who are weary or brokenhearted.

Taking the Word to Heart guides readers through five essential, yet practical, steps to not only memorizing scripture, but to grip it tightly enough to cause life transformation. Readers will discover that the purpose of memorizing scripture is not for discipline sake only, but for gaining a greater knowledge of God, developing an obedient heart and a life of trust in God through practically living out the hidden Word.

If you are tired of living a defeated Christian life, Taking the Word to Heart will help you grow in your relationship with God, better understand the Bible and learn how to apply it practically to your life.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

For the Love of Life---Don’t Drop the Ball!

A lesson of encouragement for leaders and teachers.

In the winter of 1971 I decided to try-out for the high school basketball team.  It looked easy enough. I saw basketball as an opportunity to wear a colorful uniform and be the star shooter.  I had not considered what I had to do before I could play the game.  Can you believe that my coach wanted me to put on those ugly heavy basketball shoes and ankle weights and run around the track before school each day?  Then, she rarely allowed time for me to show-off my shooting skills in a scrimmage.  I finally came to the awareness that it was going to take a great deal of sweating, running, and pain to ever get the opportunity to wear that cute uniform! This was not fun, so I dropped the ball, I gave it up; I quit!

Obviously, I did not become a great basketball player.  Instead I dropped the ball on an opportunity for growth. As I look back over my life, I have dropped the ball on several opportunities, resulting in unrealized dreams or goals.  Can you in any way relate?  I am afraid that many of us are guilty of letting life’s doors close before we have reached the desired goal.

Christian leadership is an awesome opportunity to grow and to influence others in the process.  Don’t be tempted to drop the ball on your leadership.  One key to successful leadership is preparation. Just as a football or basketball player desires to be prepared for the games that lie ahead in a season, we too must prepare for life’s opportunities that lie ahead. As I was thinking of how to prepare, I couldn’t help but look at how any ball player must prepare for their season. 


Just as a basketball player must keep their eye on the ball in order to catch it, we too must keep our eyes on God’s Word in order to grab hold of His will for our life.  I have a single friend who was playing softball one Saturday with her coed team.  She was playing outfield when the ball was hit high in the air and was headed in her direction.  She thought to herself, “This is the perfect opportunity to catch this ball and show them I can really play.”  Well, somehow she lost sight of the ball and it hit her smack in the chest! To have success as a ballplayer, one must keep their eye on the ball.  To have success as a Christian leader, one must keep their eye on God’s Word.   If we keep our eyes on God’s truth we will not run ahead of Him, and we will see everyday situations as God given opportunities.  Read, study and memorize the Scripture and catch the opportunities God lies before you each day.  Keep your eyes on the truth of Proverbs 4:13, which says, “Take hold of instruction; do not let go. Guard her, for she is your life.”


I remember when I played basketball in junior high school, back in the dark ages, that we played half court.  There were six girls on the team.  Three girls played defense on one side of the court and three girls played offense on the other side.  I was tall and aggressive, so I played defense.  Well, it was kind of boring at times, just sitting there watching the offensive players make shots and all I ever got to do was to keep the other team from making shots and to steal the ball and throw it back to the offensive players.  Defense may seem mundane and boring because it is all about watching, waiting and being alert.  When we realize the importance of defense we begin to give attention to it. I remember a coach once saying, “Defense wins games!” The way the defensive player prepares for a game is by studying the offense of the other team.  We already know about Satan’s tricks, they are as old as time!  The way to take advantage of every opportunity is to be armed with the Word of God.  Scripture memory enables and equips believers to persevere and win the battles that come along. Hiding God’s Word in your heart will prepare you to meet each of the enemy’s offensive attacks and give you truth to share with those you lead or teach as they struggle with temptation.  


As a leader, I have found that if I do not discipline myself, then I become ineffective in leading others.  This does not mean that I feel I must live “perfectly”.  When my daughter was in high school I would watch her basketball team practice, they often made mistakes, which led the coach to instruct them on proper technique. Then he had them repeat certain plays over and over again.  When the time of testing came in a game, hopefully the team would remember what they had practiced and would be successful.  As a teacher and a leader I often make mistakes and then the Lord will instruct me on how to better handle something the next time.  The Lord gives us plenty of chances to practice over and over again the principles set forth in scripture.  Do not be discouraged when you feel like you have “messed up” as a leader.  A dear teacher once said, “It is through our mistakes that we learn.”  A prayer for you dear leader is 1 Corinthians 15:58 which says, “Therefore my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain, in the Lord.”   Keep practicing!

To truly love life, keep your eye on the truth, keep your defenses up, and keep practicing the things that will ultimately make you more like Jesus, the giver of life!

Feasting on the Word,



Thursday, June 4, 2009

Living Beyond Yourself

When faced with a seemingly impossible task, remember that God is always about what is beyond you. At times we all feel completely overwhelmed with the tasks before us. Often we struggle to reach a goal or take on a challenging situation by using all of our own strength and resources. The problem with this is our resources and our strength is very limited. God, on the other hand, has all power and all wisdom to meet any situation. In fact he either created the situation or He has allowed it to take place. Therefore, He already has the solution! As you come upon some of life’s most difficult situations or as you meet the day to day struggles of just living, keep in mind the following truths.

God is beyond you!
Remember- God is always about what is beyond you. Therefore, attitude is everything. Realize that as a servant of the Most High God that our mindset should reflect total confidence in the One who called us into service. Isaiah 55:9 says, "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” So when we have the attitude of “I can’t” or “This will never work” we limit God. We are saying that Philippians 4:13 (The “I can through Christ” verse) must not be true. Oh, but it is true! Fill your mind with the truth of God’s greatness and “beyondness!” As you read further in Isaiah 55 you will see what happens when the people realize God’s greatness and see the faithfulness of His word: Isaiah 55:12, “For you will go out with joy, and be lead forth with peace . . .”

Life is beyond you!
Life brings to us such things as devastating illnesses, broken relationships, unpaid bills, and job layoffs; just to name a few. Life truly is beyond us! Without God we have no hope. But as one of my memory verses reminds me, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13) A popular contemporary Christian song is entitled, “Life is hard, but God is good.” That says it all! When we are faced with the hardness of life or faced with the discouragement of those around us, we must take hope for ourselves and give it out to those in need. When life is truly beyond them, extend to them the God that is also beyond them! Life may seem overwhelming even in the daily activities you find yourself. For example, squeezing in a commitment to spend time memorizing scripture, or consoling a friend, into your already hectic day is definitely beyond you. That is when we must claim Matthew 6:33, which says, “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.” Seeking the God who is beyond you will enable and empower you to live the life that is beyond you.

Love is beyond you!
Have you ever been around an unlovely person? You know what I am talking about - that person that really gets under your skin, who is obnoxious and unruly. Jesus loves the unlovely. I am glad because I am sure I am one of them at times. Anytime God puts me in a place where I must be with that unlovely person; it is an opportunity for Him to stretch me. It amazes me how God can love through me. He can only do that when I diligently seek Him with an open heart and mind. John 13:34, commands us to love one another as Christ loves us. Deuteronomy 30:11 assures us that, “Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach.” Loving others is beyond us without the Lord, but with Him all things are within our reach.

You serve a God who is beyond you, who desires to walk with you through this life that is beyond you and will love others through you beyond your highest expectations!

Feasting on the Word,
Jeremiah 15:16

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Where is Your Mind?

Lately my mind wants to dwell on the dark side. It seems when I first open my eyes in the morning I am tempted to let my thoughts dwell on all the worst case scenarios that my life could take. You know the the kind that takes you to a future with poor health, no money, no family, no hope. Why does my mind want to go there? Why is fear and hopelessness even attractive to this sanctified mind? Is the world's mind set beginning to infiltrate mine? The world is going crazy it seems with gloom and doom forecasting. It is chicken little all grown up, in living color on the wide-screen!
I am not one to look for a demon behind every bush, but this does have someones hand prints all over it! I must remind myself and anyone reading this, that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers and powers and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. I must remember that the hope of glory dwells in me and that nothing can separate me from God's love. I am trying to grab hold of all the Truth hidden in my heart and hold it firmly. This Truth is the weapon that has divine power to demolish strongholds.
Where is your mind? My mind is now firmly focused on the truth that the God of hope will give me joy and peace as I trust in Him, so that I will overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord is illuminating my dark mind with the light of His Word and I pray that this light spills over into your mind as well. Here is to a new morning filled with new mercies and with His unending love. My hope comes from Him!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Bite My Brain!

I had an enlightened moment yesterday as I put my make-up on before going to church. I was thinking about how it is easier to control what I say than control what I think. I realized that I was good at biting my tongue to keep from saying things that I know better than to say aloud in the presence of anyone else. I have learned that I can tell God anything, since He already knows what I am going to say before I ever say it anyway! This truth relieves my compulsion to blurt out half-pondered thoughts in public and thus be found to be the fool that my "flesh" woman is so apt to be!

Now, back to the make-up mirror. As I sat there thinking I realized my mind had been uninhibited as well while my thoughts had been reflecting on a situation from the day before. I wanted to have a really bad attitude. That is when it hit me - just bite your brain, Nancy! If only I could actually sink my teeth into the flesh of my brain whenever a thought of jealousy, judgment, or worry came slithering in! I think I know how to bite my brain, or at least how to corral the thoughts that go over and over in it. It is going back to where Mary, the Mother of Jesus treasured and pondered all these things in her heart. When I treasure or memorize a verse of scripture and ponder or meditate on it's meaning as I look for application options I am giving my brain ammunition against those thoughts of jealousy, judgment and worry. If I am intentional about taking my thoughts captive, in order to sift out the trash thoughts from the treasured ones, I then, in essence, bite my brain!

Okay, I am ready, my teeth are clinched, His Word treasured, and my mind alert to possible brain derailment! Let the biting begin! 2 Corinthians 10:4-5; Romans 12:2; 1 Peter 5:8.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Can I just get a little honor here?

I have been thinking a lot about honor lately. As I studied for my last Bible study where I taught about living at your best, I came across verses about God being our Shield. As I dug a little deeper I discovered that God shields our honor, protecting it from outside forces that want to snatch it from us. He showers us with honor and blesses us with favor. As I think about my life as a young child, the daughter of an alcoholic father, I remember seeking refuge in my bedroom. It was there I felt safe and secure from the verbal tongue lashings of my father. I would work so hard to seek his approval and praise, wanting his honor instead of his wrath, only to find myself once again sinking in shame. My honor, stolen. I was ashamed of my life and wanted to experience a "normal" family where peace, harmony and honor reigned. Now, I know that "normal" doesn't exist, this side of heaven, anyway. As I grew up I kept seeking to find approval, acceptance, and honor from my friends, especially with boys. This only led to more shame and less honor. Then, after being laid off from my college job and being dropped by my boyfriend all in the same week, I cried out to God, whom I knew only as my Savior, and on that day He became my Lord and my Refuge from the storm of life. I fell madly in love with the Lord Jesus and discovered what it meant to be lavishly loved and honored by the One who created love and honor. Now, I flee to my Refuge and Shield each morning and like a warm fuzzy blanket He wraps me in His love and speaks words of honor, truth, and power over me. He lifts my head and enables me to walk with confidence. I am tempted on occasion to seek the praise of people and the approval of others. Hey I am human, I want others to like me and think highly of me! But, I no longer base my honor on what others think or say, instead I am learning to grip tightly the truth that God is my sun and shield, no good thing does He withhold from those who are His. I am His daughter - highly favored and honored. Do you want to experience honor, true honor? Flee to your Refuge, seek to honor the One who honors you- even when you don't! Think about it. Psalm 18:28-35

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Closet Meltdown

I had a closet meltdown today. I woke up extremely sore after my boot camp torture yesterday. I could barely get out of the bed and then after sitting in my "having coffee with Jesus" chair for an hour, my muscles felt frozen. Even with all the soreness, I tackled the elliptical at the gym this morning and enjoyed Sara Groves on my ipod. My day was going so well as I studied for my Sunday Bible study lesson and reviewed over my notes for the scripture memory class I teach tonight. The Lord was giving me some insights to share and illustrations to use. I was on a roll! Then, it happened. I took my shower - stayed in extra long under the hot water to ease my sore muscles - and then I went to my closet to find something to . . . . . wear! I looked through every piece of clothing hanging in my closet and found that most of the items no longer fit and those that fit were not quite right for "teaching." As I looked through the skirts and pants I was reminded that I had gained a good bit of weight since the last time I was able to wear most of them. They have been hanging in my closet for over a year without being worn. I keep telling myself I am going to lose this weight and be able to wear these again. I go on a diet and exercise my self into oblivion and lose a pound or two and then . . . . nothing! All my "poor me" emotions came flooding out and I found myself sobbing in my closet and muttering to myself, "You are so fat. How could you let yourself get like this. Now you are too fat to wear any of your clothes and you have no money to buy anymore!" I cried out to the Lord in my meltdown and He just listened. He is really good at listening to me when I cry out in meltdown mode. Then, right on cue, my husband calls to see how my day is going. I confessed that I had a closet meltdown again. He then proceeds to say what he always says, "Nancy you are beautiful and godly and God is using you greatly." Then he volunteered to give me $20 to buy another dress like the one I bought yesterday at Chico's for $18(originally cost $118!) At that moment I felt really small - not physically, but spiritually. I turned down his offer, but thanked him, just the same. Thank you Lord. Thank you for a husband that speaks grace, mercy, and love on Your behalf. I don't deserve it, but am overwhelmed by your grace and love. Mark 4:19 came flooding to my mind. "But the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the Word, making it unfruitful." Along with my closet meltdown, the Word was being choked right out of me- the Life was being choked by my worry over what to wear, my desire to be thinner, and thinking that if I just had enough money I could fix everything! How on earth could those lies get into my brain that is flooded with God's Word? Easy - I hadn't been alert! But God was- He provided a way out of my self-obsession - through my husbands phone call- and into realization of the Truth! Thank you Lord for proving your Word true again in my life. Attention: I am now leaving the closet meltdown, clothed with Christ!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Boot Camp Blues

I thought I was doing fine. . . I had been prayer "walking" with my friends four days every week. My prayer life was strengthened and we were so encouraged when we finished. Two of my prayer walking buddies have been sick, so I am on my own this week. I had felt for a while that I needed to up my routine, so I thought their sickness was my opportunity to try out some "more intense" exercise. This morning I went back to boot camp, after not going for several months. I love my prayer walking friends and haven't wanted to miss our times together, so was content to do very low impact exercise paired with high-impact prayer. This morning I could have used some high-impact prayers! After one hour of sheer torture to this 50+ body, I came to the realization that my friends had led me down the path of destruction - destruction of my muscles, that is. After boot camp/torture, I could barely make it up the stairs to my condo this morning! Just leaning over to shave my legs was painful! What a dilemma I find myself in. What shall I choose? Torture and rock- solid abs and triceps or Prayer walking and sagging cellulite with a Rock-solid heart? Oh my, decisions, decisions. There must be a balance here. Maybe I will just soak my sore muscles in the tub tonight and pray about it!

Monday, January 26, 2009

My finger is healed!

A few weeks ago I cut my finger while slicing potatoes for vegetable soup. My mom was visiting while my husband was out of town. When I first felt the knife slice into the edge of my index finger, I knew I was in trouble! I immediately put pressure on it, to keep it from bleeding worse and covered it with a dishtowel, so I wouldn't see the blood. Blood makes me faint! I really can't control it- it just happens. Anyway, my mom helped me to clean it up and put a bandage on it. She wasn't a very compassionate nurse however, because she laughed when I mentioned that I thought it may need stitches. In the hours and days to follow my finger went through a metamorphosis of sorts. It went from red, to blue, to brown and yellow in color. First it looked like a chunk of flesh had been cut out and then laid back on top of my finger. I didn't think it would ever grow back together! It was extremely sore and tender to the touch. After about a week, I decided to keep the bandage off. Being out in the open seemed to speed up the healing. And besides no one even noticed that I had a hurt finger, with or without the bandage. Little by little the finger has healed. I hadn't thought much about it lately, until this morning. I looked at it and the chunk of flesh has miraculously grown seamlessly back in place and there is only a pin-sized scar left. You are probably wondering why on earth I am telling you about this. Well it dawned on me that my finger is a lot like my heart. When I am hurt, bruised, or broken by another it overwhelms my thoughts and my life. Some people never notice that I bear the scars and others may laugh it off when I share the hurt, but that doesn't lessen my pain. It is only when I go to the Healer of my heart, who brings me the salve of His Word and the bandages of His Spirit that I begin to heal. It is a slow process, yet over time, I come to a moment when I realize that it is only a little pin-sized nick in my heart that is barely even noticeable. I am amazed at the healing power of God. He takes my often hurt heart and not only heals it but makes it stronger in the process. My heart is healed! Psalm 107:20
Lord, give me eyes to really see those hurting around me and Your healing Word to apply to their hearts. Forgive me when I laugh to myself, "Can't they just get over that or get a little tougher?" Help me to be a bearer of healing words not hurting words. Praise the Healer.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Day Before the Climb

Tired, yet inspired.
Awed, anxious, yet anticipating.
Humbled, honored, yet humbled once more.
Terrified, trembling, yet trusting -
In God alone.
Unsure, unworthy, yet unyielding in my asking for . . .
Wisdom, waiting, yet wondering - "How will it all work out?"
Considering, yet confident Christ's call will be completed through
His strength and care.

Nancy Taylor -
These are the thoughts that flooded my mind as I prepared to meet with the Lord the last day before the first day of teaching a new Bible study class.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Life in the 50's

When I entered the 5th decade of my life I became very reflective and a little depressed thinking that my life was going downhill fast. Through the last two years the Lord has shown me that being in my fifties brings with it the most opportunity for His usefulness. You see, I have lived through family dysfunction, youthful rebellion, a college education, my wedding, natural child birth, death of family members, and now giving my children flight. I have gained some wisdom through many failures, struggles, and determined devotion. I have taught elementary, middle school, and college students. I have lived in a small frame house (later condemned), in the country and in a city high rise with valet service. I have gained and lost hundreds of pounds and taught others how not to! I have traveled the world and seen complete poverty in India, orphans in Africa and over-the-top materialism in Dubai.

Recently while prayer walking with my dear friend and fellow boomer,Mary Ann, I experienced a God ah ha moment. It occurred to me that we were each just reaching the prime years where there are no longer children to take care of on a daily basis or employers to impress. Instead now is the time when I can take all of my experiences that God has so graciously given me and allow Him to pour me out by now mentoring and ministering to the next generation. I am now watching eagerly to see what God will do with this woman in her fifties, who has experienced life in the pit and on the mountain and every place in between.

Now if you have looked back, then forward and wondered "now what?" Remember Psalm 27:13&14, "I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." Join me in the land of the living, waiting on the Lord to do immeasurably more! Ephesians 3:20