Thursday, October 8, 2009

Check out my book on!

Taking the Word to Heart

By Nancy Taylor

More than a decade ago, Nancy Taylor made a commitment to memorize one verse of scripture a week for 52 weeks, with the goal of quoting all 52 verses at the conclusion of that year. Never could she have conceived what God had in store for her through this simple commitment to hide His Word in her heart.

In addition to allowing her to experience a deeper, more intimate relationship with Christ, memorizing scripture has provided Nancy with many opportunities to minister to those who are weary or brokenhearted.

Taking the Word to Heart guides readers through five essential, yet practical, steps to not only memorizing scripture, but to grip it tightly enough to cause life transformation. Readers will discover that the purpose of memorizing scripture is not for discipline sake only, but for gaining a greater knowledge of God, developing an obedient heart and a life of trust in God through practically living out the hidden Word.

If you are tired of living a defeated Christian life, Taking the Word to Heart will help you grow in your relationship with God, better understand the Bible and learn how to apply it practically to your life.