Sunday, March 29, 2009

Where is Your Mind?

Lately my mind wants to dwell on the dark side. It seems when I first open my eyes in the morning I am tempted to let my thoughts dwell on all the worst case scenarios that my life could take. You know the the kind that takes you to a future with poor health, no money, no family, no hope. Why does my mind want to go there? Why is fear and hopelessness even attractive to this sanctified mind? Is the world's mind set beginning to infiltrate mine? The world is going crazy it seems with gloom and doom forecasting. It is chicken little all grown up, in living color on the wide-screen!
I am not one to look for a demon behind every bush, but this does have someones hand prints all over it! I must remind myself and anyone reading this, that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers and powers and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. I must remember that the hope of glory dwells in me and that nothing can separate me from God's love. I am trying to grab hold of all the Truth hidden in my heart and hold it firmly. This Truth is the weapon that has divine power to demolish strongholds.
Where is your mind? My mind is now firmly focused on the truth that the God of hope will give me joy and peace as I trust in Him, so that I will overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord is illuminating my dark mind with the light of His Word and I pray that this light spills over into your mind as well. Here is to a new morning filled with new mercies and with His unending love. My hope comes from Him!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Bite My Brain!

I had an enlightened moment yesterday as I put my make-up on before going to church. I was thinking about how it is easier to control what I say than control what I think. I realized that I was good at biting my tongue to keep from saying things that I know better than to say aloud in the presence of anyone else. I have learned that I can tell God anything, since He already knows what I am going to say before I ever say it anyway! This truth relieves my compulsion to blurt out half-pondered thoughts in public and thus be found to be the fool that my "flesh" woman is so apt to be!

Now, back to the make-up mirror. As I sat there thinking I realized my mind had been uninhibited as well while my thoughts had been reflecting on a situation from the day before. I wanted to have a really bad attitude. That is when it hit me - just bite your brain, Nancy! If only I could actually sink my teeth into the flesh of my brain whenever a thought of jealousy, judgment, or worry came slithering in! I think I know how to bite my brain, or at least how to corral the thoughts that go over and over in it. It is going back to where Mary, the Mother of Jesus treasured and pondered all these things in her heart. When I treasure or memorize a verse of scripture and ponder or meditate on it's meaning as I look for application options I am giving my brain ammunition against those thoughts of jealousy, judgment and worry. If I am intentional about taking my thoughts captive, in order to sift out the trash thoughts from the treasured ones, I then, in essence, bite my brain!

Okay, I am ready, my teeth are clinched, His Word treasured, and my mind alert to possible brain derailment! Let the biting begin! 2 Corinthians 10:4-5; Romans 12:2; 1 Peter 5:8.