Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The World is Groaning!

For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now . . .  waiting eagerly for our adoption.  Romans 8:22-23

Turning on the evening news or opening up your news app can be down right depressing! The world seems to be in chaos:  terrorists beheading children, young men attacking elderly women in order to snatch their purses, policemen shooting young men, young men shooting policemen, rioting, unending angry debates, violent thunderstorms, floods, fires, and deadly plane crashes.  The words of Romans 8:22 kept coming to my mind this week each time I would attempt to listen to the evening news.  The world is groaning, loudly, violently.  People are desperately seeking answers, but none can be found.  Their sadness and grief only lead to anger, bitterness and resentment.  People are defensive, some are indifferent, and many are paralyzed in their devastating circumstances.  But no one offers hope.  It seems they are blinded to the truth.  Seeking to find answers from the minds of the world’s experts, they completely ignore the obvious.

Won’t someone wake up and speak it, the truth that is?  That without God there is no hope! That the reason the world is groaning is because we live in a fallen world decimated by sin.  The answers are found in words that come from God alone.  Unfortunately, Bible illiteracy is rampant and therefore people are ignorant to the truth that will set them and the entire world free! I am not trying to oversimplify the world’s problems or suggest that I know all the answers.  But, I do know that the only hope this world has is found in the One who made it, spoke it into existence, and even provided a way to have a hope-filled forever life in relationship with the Creator Himself!  But, you would only know that if you read or heard the message of the Bible, God’s Words to a wounded world. 

Fifteen years ago, the Lord woke me up to the fact that my groan-filled life was in desperate need of some truth!  It was then that I realized I had been trying to live my life on the bread of the world only and not on every word of God.  No wonder my life lacked joy, peace, and power.  I was being led by my own cravings for what would satisfy me while being tripped up by the all consuming cares of the world.  Once I began to take in the Word of God on a consistent basis my life took a turn toward truth.  Despair gave way to hope, emptiness to fullness of joy, and my selfishness was melting into ministry.  A ministry of the Word!

This past Sunday I had the awesome privilege to stand before my church body and administer God’s grace-filled Word by speaking the very words of God.  (1 Peter 4:10-11)  After I was asked to do this I prayed for days, asking God to examine my heart and my mind and to show me any attitude of sin that might be present in my life.  I asked God to make me a clean vessel from which His Word would go forth.  I prayed Isaiah 32:2 that as the Word would go forth from my mouth, that it would be like a shelter from the wind, a refuge from the storm, like a stream of water in the desert and that I would be the shadow of the great Rock in a thirsty land.  I wanted the people to see nothing of me, but only receive the Word as a balm for their hearts and minds.  God was faithful to fill me up with his passion as I spoke His Word and I felt His delighting in me as I simply poured out words from my heart that had impacted my life for His glory. 

Many received the Word as it was intended, but I immediately felt the attack of the enemy.  Not surprising.  (1 Peter 5:8)  The enemy is always prowling around looking for opportunities to choke the word out of thorny hearts.  This attack came from those who wanted to be impressed with my efforts, those who wanted to impress me with their quoting skills, and with those who complimented me on my dramatic presentation.  I spent a day of experiencing shame, that others would think I was performing the Word or that I spoke the Word in display of my own skills.  After a much-needed cry before the Lord, He assured me that what I was experiencing was what He experienced.  Jesus was the Word come to life and yet, those who were his own family did not accept Him as the Word.  They tried to make him an earthly king and did not even have eyes to see or ears to hear the words he spoke to them.  The Lord has been so good to me after having a good cry.  I am thankful for the many who did hear the Word proclaimed as it was intended and so blessed by those who have told me how the Word ministered to them that day. 

Whenever you speak the Word to a wounded world, whether it is in your office, to your neighbor, or a struggling family member, speak it with grace, humility, and with passion.  Let’s offer the world hope, their only hope.  The world is groaning around you, do not let the enemy shame you into keeping silent!  Paul asked the Colossians to pray for him to have an open door so he could speak the word.  He asked them to pray he would be able to speak it clearly.  (Colossians 4:3-4) The only reason I share this with you today, is to encourage those of you who know the truth found in the precious words of the Bible, to speak them, without shame, and with the desire to administer God’s grace to a world that is groaning to be adopted into a family filled with joy and peace by the Father of hope.  Romans 15:13 

Let’s not keep silent!
Isaiah 55:11

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