Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Need a Little Christmas Cheer

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Well, at least in my little condo! I spent the last three days dragging out boxes marked with “Christmas” from my “completely packed to the ceiling” second bedroom closet. It is always an emotional process for me. As I take out each ornament, special Christmas decoration, or come across a family picture taken in front of the Christmas tree, I am reminded of Christmases gone by. I remember the eggnog that my Granddaddy made each Christmas, that we kids were never allowed more than one cup! Then my mind flashes to my twelfth Christmas Day when my Granddaddy went home to heaven. When I hear the Christmas songs I remember my first Christmas as a mom, rocking my precious son, singing “Silent Night!” as tears of joy streamed down my cheeks. My thoughts go back to driving hours in a loaded down minivan as our little family of four made its way to Grandma’s house. I remember all the Christmas Eve’s putting together toys and filling stockings with all the little trinkets that seemed perfect at the time. Now as an empty nester I sometimes long for those Christmases with young children and the excitement that abounded as they anticipated the giving and receiving gifts, the holiday candies, and the fun times with family and friends gathering together.

As I sit surrounded by the sweet and the bittersweet memories of Christmases past I realize that only one remains, year after year. Jesus. You see, the ornaments show their wear and tear of the many times they hung upon a limb and the names on the stockings have faded with the years, but the Hope of Christmas remains. Jesus. I am tempted to be melancholy with my reflections of Christmas- thinking only of what we no longer have or who no longer lives among us. But, Jesus lives. I long for a fresh Christmas memory this year - one that will stand out years from now. Jesus. I am setting my mind, my affections, and my longings on Jesus this year. Looking to Him to satisfy my need for Christmas cheer. My last decoration to put on display today was the baby Jesus surrounded by Joseph, Mary, a shepherd boy and three kings. It should have been the first.

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