Last week I attended a memorial service for a 92 year-old
man who had served in our church for 68 years. The service was inspiring, challenging and
motivational. It inspired me to
press on in ministry, challenged me to leave a legacy of service, and it
motivated me to pursue God’s call on my life. There is one story from his life that was shared that day
that has stuck with me. One day he
told his care taker about the time he felt God had called him to missions and
how fear hindered him from saying yes.
He said his biggest regret in life was saying no to God. He had asked
God to forgive him and had served in other capacities, but that no stayed with
him. As I reflect on this story a
phrase continues to run over and over in my mind: No one regrets saying “yes”
to Jesus, but all will regret saying “no” to Him.
God called me to write a book about seven years ago and I
said yes! I wrote it out of
obedience to God’s call and for no other reason. People have asked me how many books I have sold and I
couldn’t tell them, because my motivation for writing the book was to answer
the Lord’s call and to encourage others through my story of a life transformed
by the Word of God. Now the Lord is calling me to say yes to a few other things
and I have been a little slow in answering His call.
However, the Lord has once again encouraged me to say yes,
not only through this memorialized life, but also through a disturbing
dream. I had a dream that I was
caring for an infant and throughout the dream I kept losing track of the baby.
Then the ending of the dream was more like a nightmare when I heard a scream
and ran to the bathroom where I had evidently left the baby in the bath. You can fill in the ending for
yourself. I awoke with such a pit in
my stomach and heaviness in my heart.
I immediately asked the Lord, “What was that about?” Why on earth would I dream such a
thing? You could argue that the
dream was brought on by my anticipation of my first grandchild and my only
daughter’s upcoming wedding. But I couldn’t shake it and then the next morning
as I prayed and read my Bible I found the answer.
“Can a woman forget her nursing child and have no compassion
on the son of her womb? Even these
may forget, but I will not forget you.
Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are
continually before Me.” Isaiah
“The children of whom you were bereaved will yet say in your
ears, ‘The place is too cramped for me; Make room for me that I may live here.’
Isaiah 49:20
“And all flesh will know that I, the LORD am your Savior and
your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.” Isaiah 49:26
Through this prophecy of Isaiah He encourages His people
that He has not forgotten them and that He will restore them. There are some dreams that God has
placed in my heart and has called me to pursue, but I have set them aside and
been distracted with the busyness of life. Through my disturbing dream He reminded me that the dreams I
forget, He remembers. He also
restores those dreams we think are dead.
He not only restores the dream, He fulfills the dream so that all flesh
will know that it was God who accomplished it!
My problem is that I haven’t made room in my dailiness to intentionally pursue the
callings and dreams God has given me.
Today, I am making room! Do
you have a dream that you think is dead, a forgotten call that God placed in
your mind and heart? It’s not too
late to say yes to Him. Pray with
me: Lord, thank You that even when
I forget You remember. When I let
things die, You restore them. I
say yes to You today! Now Lord
give me a mind to obey and a heart to trust that You will accomplish Your
dreams and plans in and through me.
May all those around me know that You are Lord my Savior and Dream
All Glory to God,
“For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.”
Romans 11:29
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