The Lord kept bringing to my mind the words “not guilty”
this week as I listened and waited for His whisper and His lesson. My mind often goes back to my college
years when I knew the Lord, yet did not know what it meant to walk with Him in
an intimate relationship. I tried
so many ways to find acceptance from others and happiness for myself, but all
my attempts ended alone in my dorm room or apartment crying out to God in shame
and guilt for seeking acceptance and happiness in all the wrong places. I was in a cycle of doing things
I knew where wrong, feeling guilt and shame, confessing them to the Lord and
then returning to the same old cycle once more. I hadn’t grasped the life changing truth of the gospel of
One day as I walked through the doors of a college Bible
study I entered into a place of grace, where I found acceptance and real
joy. It was there that I finally
took ownership of my Christianity.
I came to the realization that Jesus wasn’t just the One I confessed my
sins to every night in my bedroom, but He was the One who would empower me to
walk out of the cycle of guilt and shame into a “not guilty” grace-filled
life. Jesus accepted me just as I
was, but loved me too much to let me stay in such bondage! Now some thirty years later, the
Lord continues to transform my life by His grace and His powerful
People love to hear about a victory, especially the victory
of an underdog, like a budding new lawyer! It spurs us on to think that we too can experience such victory. It would be interesting to see how many "likes" we would receive if we posted on Facebook our
victories over sin. A friend of mine often says, “God loves bad odds!” God
loves the underdog. He cheers on the one who is less likely to succeed, the
meek and the weak. Are you
in need of a victory today? Are
you tired of the struggle? Then
enter into a place of grace where you will find forgiveness, acceptance and joy
unspeakable! It says in scripture
that when one person repents from a life of death and destruction and turns to
the Lord there is a chorus of angels in heaven praising the Lord for His
victory! “But thanks be to God who
gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57
Here's to Victory!
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