Thursday, September 18, 2014

Everybody Has a Story

Over the past few weeks it has been tempting to just focus on my trouble, my schedule, my challenges, my family, and my stuff!  But, this week the Lord opened my eyes and gave me a glimpse into the stuff that other women are experiencing.  Just this week I have had the opportunity of listening as five different women opened their lives up and poured out all kinds of stuff.  Their stuff is really the stuff that their lives are made up of – it is their story! Woven through each of these women’s story was the thread of courage. 

The first woman’s story I heard this week dealt with a family divided by divorce.  It was not her divorce, but a close family member’s divorce.  As she told her story I saw the hurt in her eyes, yet the strength to press on through it.  “Divorce is like a death and one must be given time to grieve such a loss,” I told her.   She was beginning to take hold of the courage Jesus offers to face the stuff of her story in order to receive healing, learn the lessons and grow in her walk with Christ.  Have courage to face your story.  “It was good for me to be afflicted, so that I might learn your decrees.”  Psalm 119:71

The second woman’s story is a story of mental illness and deception of the evil one. This woman loves Jesus and has sought to hide God’s Word in her heart in order to dwell on His truth in the midst of such dysfunction.  Looking at this beautiful and talented woman you would never in your wildest dreams imagine her story.  Despite a family falling apart she has had the courage to not only face her story, but to also step out of such a broken story and grab hold of the truth of the One who pulled her out of a pit, so that she now sings a new song, a new story.  Have courage to allow the Word to change your story.   “He brought me up out of the pit . . . He put a new song in my mouth.” Psalm 40:2-3

I was sitting in a room waiting to speak to young moms about mentoring, when one of the mom’s was asked to come to the front of the room and tell her story of courage.  I was blown away with this woman’s transparency as she shared about the moment when everything changed in her life.  She shared how she had lived in fear and shame because of a secret sin. She had become an alcoholic, despite being a new mom.  She had tried to hide her addiction, but after reaching rock bottom, reached out for help where she finally found freedom.  Her freedom was found she said, “in Christ alone!” What courage to stand before a room of young moms, your peers, and share openly about a hidden stronghold.  When she shared her story everyone’s heart connected with hers.  Every one of us could relate with her story of fear, shame and hidden sin.  I am thankful today, that she had the courage to share her story, so that others would be encouraged to reach out, tell somebody, and get help.  Have courage to tell your story!  “Come and hear all who fear God and I will tell of what He has done for my soul.”  Psalm 66:16

I had the joy this week of having lunch with a single woman who had adopted a child, rescuing him from a life of poverty and dysfunction.  Her son is now in middle school and doing quite well.  She shared with me her own story of growing up in a loving godly family where she was taught how to live out her faith.  She lived by the truth that God had blessed her to be a blessing.  So it was with this attitude that she had recently invited a young woman to live with her and her son.  She said that she wanted to model before this young woman what a healthy godly home looked like.  She wanted to nurture this young woman, not be her roommate.  She is treating her like a mom would treat her daughter, so that one day this young woman will know how to nurture and love her own family.  Have courage to pour into someone else the blessings you have received from living your own story.  “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”  2 Timothy 2:2

Lastly I was approached by a grieving rookie empty nester, whom asked me to pray for her in this new chapter of life. She was unsure what to do with this new status now that all her children had left home.  I have been an empty nester for nine years and I insured her that she would eventually learn to love this new chapter of life that lies open before her!   I reminded her of all the life experiences and wisdom she has stored up over the years and that now she was able to pour all that out into new opportunities of ministry and mentorship.  Have courage to step into the next chapter of your story.  “For I know that plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.”  Jeremiah 29:11

As you can see we all have stuff!  The good news is that God weaves a beautiful story of grace and truth from the stuff that our lives contain.  The Lord never wastes anything that He allows us to go through and in fact our messes become our ministries!  Take the courage Jesus offers, step out of your own stuff, and share your story with others.  You will be amazed at how many people will relate with what you share and will in turn have the courage to tell their story!

“What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in  your ear, proclaim upon the housetops.”  Matthew 10:27

Take courage!
Nancy Taylor

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