This year the Lord led me to three words: Listen, learn and lead. Then He showed me how each word should lead to the gospel. I am intentionally listening to hear His voice above all others, to learn the deeper meaning of the gospel message and to lead others by sharing what He teaches me. The Lord called His disciples to listen in the darkness and in the quiet in order to proclaim in the light whatever they had heard whispered in their ear. (Matthew 10:27) The result of the disciples listening and learning from Jesus is found in the Bible in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
I committed to the Lord to share each week in my Sunday
morning Life Bible study, what I was learning about the gospel. We have been going through the book of
Romans, focusing on the gospel of Christ. I have often heard that out of obedience comes blessing. Over
the past 10 weeks of obediently sharing the gospel story in my class I have had
the joy of hearing from different women how they have been challenged or
encouraged through the Word. This
past Sunday, when class was over, one of the ladies in my class approached
me. I recently had heard her story
of how she was pregnant and living in Cambodia in 1975 when the Communists came
in and forced all the residents of her town to the countryside to labor camps.
She did not know about Jesus at that time, but knew there must be a God. The Lord rescued her out of Cambodia
five years later and was offered passage to the United States. As we talked in the hallway last week
she was full of joy and excitement. Speaking in broken English she kept telling
me, “I understand, I understand!”
I am sure I looked puzzled, and then she said, “I knew God and believed
Jesus, but I never understood what it all meant until now. The Word you taught today opened my
ears and my eyes and I understand!”
Tears welled up in both of our eyes and we had a little worship service
of our own right there in the midst of a busy hallway of a mega church. She understood for the first time what
Jesus had done and that she no longer had fear or anxiety. She knew that nothing would separate
her from God’s love!
Her words have been on my mind this week as I began
preparing myself for Easter. I am
reading a book, “Bread and Wine,” which is a collection of readings for Lent
and Easter by many different authors. I have lingered long over this one
sentence from the introduction of this book, “Lent (literally “springtime”) is
a time of preparation, a time to return to the desert where Jesus spent forty
trying days readying for his ministry.
He allowed himself to be tested, and if we are serious about following
him, we will do the same.” I
desire for my eyes and ears to be open to the deeper things of God just like my
sweet Cambodian sister’s eyes were opened this week. Psalm 51:12 says, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.” My prayer, as I go into this season of Lent, is that God
would test me, examine my heart and restore to me a greater joy. And that through this desert experience He would draw me into a deeper
understanding of and connection with Jesus.
The Lord has already been at work refining my mind and
heart. Last night I was writing an
email expressing my frustration over someone’s actions and how I had done
everything I could to help and was ready to throw in the towel. I kept rewriting and editing the email
and when I was ready to hit the send button something stopped me in my
tracks! It wasn’t a something, it
was the Holy Spirit, that still small voice inside me, saying “This isn’t about
what you don’t or do deserve, it is about giving up what you think you deserve
and instead giving grace, My grace."
Then words that I had hidden in my heart came flooding into
my mind, “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not
consider equality with God something to be grasped, but make himself nothing,
taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” Jesus was God and was with God from the
beginning (John 1:1), but chose to come to earth in the form of a baby inside
of a young virgin’s womb in order to fulfill His calling as Savior. The Bible says He grew in wisdom, in
stature and in favor with God and man. (Luke 2:52) First He had to grow up and then it was time to go out to
save a dark and dying world. But
before He could fulfill the call of God He had to go through forty days in a
desert with no food, no water, and endure extreme temptation from the Devil
himself! I believe the first thing
God is calling me to do in this season of Lent is the same thing He called
Jesus to do – to give up living an entitled life and start living an abandoned
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Avery and Will |
My son and daughter-in-law have become Cross-fit
enthusiasts. They have both disciplined
themselves physically by enduring intense workouts that have involved lifting
heavy weight, jumping on top of boxes and doing hundreds of chin-ups. They look phenomenal. Their bodies have been
transformed! Jesus’ desert
experience was the beginning of his cross fit experience. The Lord was conditioning Him for the
path that ultimately would lead Him to the cross. We have grown up in a world that tells us daily that we have
the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and that as a result we
are an entitled people. Jesus
said, “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and
whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of man did not come to be served but to
serve and give His life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:43-45) My first day of
observing lent, He has tested me and I have seen my failure. I have sought entitlement instead of
abandonment. Will you join me on a
cross fit challenge? The cross fit
challenge is this: To set aside being praised, honored or served by others and instead
take up Christ’s call to deny yourself, take up your cross daily and follow Him
and serve others. I am looking
forward to forty days of transformation. At the end of the forty days the goal
is that He will have become greater and we will have become less. We will be transformed in heart and yes
we will look phenomenal, because we will look a little more like Jesus. I want to say with my sweet Cambodian
friend, “My eyes have been opened and I now understand more fully what I
already believed!”
I would love to hear from you and how you are planning to
take the cross fit challenge. I am
praying for you as you seek to live an abandoned life and asking that your eyes
will be opened to know more fully the gospel story of Jesus.
Looking forward to Easter!
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