Thursday, May 29, 2014

Corralling a Bull

While visiting my sister, who lives in the country, this past Memorial Day weekend, my husband, William, and I laced up our tennis shoes and set out on a walk along green pastures filled with wildflowers, butterflies and bunnies.  It was glorious for us city dwellers to breathe in the fresh air and to hear only the sounds of crickets and birds rather than the constant hum of cars rushing along the freeway located only yards from our city condo.   As we walked along the country road we could see cattle grazing and hear donkeys braying within their fenced pastures. I would stop often to take pictures of the beauty that surrounded me.  As I trudged along in my own little world, I found myself walking ahead of William.  I noticed in the distance an animal standing in the road that appeared to be a deer. I moved ever so slowly trying not to frighten the animal as I turned and motioned to William that there was a deer ahead.  As I drew closer I realized that the deer was no deer at all, but was a bull with horns! I then looked over my shoulder to see a big white ranch truck pulling up beside me and heard the cowboy’s deep voice giving me instructions.  “This bull got out last week and has been wandering the streets.  He won’t hurt you. You all stay here and I will drive past him and try to get him to go in the gate.  If he runs past the gate, do not let him go past you.”   By this time William was standing beside me and I expressed my hesitation and fear of corralling a bull!  I stayed a few steps behind William and tried to be brave. 

The cowboy drove a short distance past the bull and blocked the road.  The bull decided to turn around and head straight toward William and me.  We did not stand our ground at first, but turned around with our tails between our legs and walked quickly away from the bull.  We then heard the cowboy’s voice again instructing us to come back and keep the bull from going any further, while assuring us that it wouldn’t hurt us.  Reluctantly I turned and followed William as we walked toward the bull and the bull toward us.  After a moments standoff the bull turned around and finally discovered the opened gate into a lush green pasture.  He ran into the gate and kept running until he was out of sight.  We had helped corral a bull on our morning walk in the country! 

Reflecting on this experience reminds me of a scripture, of course!  “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”  (2 Corinthians 10:5)  Have you ever had to corral your thoughts?  I have . . . many times!   I can have my own personal pity party as I fill my mind with doubts or fearful thoughts.  I can fill my mind with seemingly good thoughts of things I desire, but they crowd out the better thoughts of what others may need.  My thoughts can lead me to jealousy, anger, discouragement, or even pride.  

What I thought was a deer in reality was a bull.  If we are not self-controlled and alert to our thought life we can be led astray like Eve was by the crafty serpent.  The most powerful antidote to wandering and stinkin’ thinkin, as Zig Zigglar would say, is the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.  To make ones’ thoughts obedient to Christ means to corral them in the confines of His truth.  In other words, are your thoughts lining up with what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy?  (Philippians 4:8)  The bull knew he was finally in a safe, secure, and healthy environment as he kept running freely into that beautiful green pasture.  You too, will have a mind that is filled with safe, secure and healthy thoughts if you run toward the truths of the One who said, “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.  He will come in and go out, and find pasture.  The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:9,10)  Today let’s corral our thoughts and not allow the enemy to lead us astray.  Instead let’s fill our minds with the words of Christ and enjoy living life to the full in His green pastures of truth. 

Happy Trails to You!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Last Words

A couple of weeks ago while walking on the treadmill I began to think about “endings.”  My husband has often said that many people begin well, but few finish well. As I thought of finishing well, I began to take a mental inventory of some of the books in the Bible and how each one ends.  With each book ending came the ending of someone’s life.  Wouldn’t it be an interesting study to go through and see how some of the great men of scripture finished their lives? I made a mental note to myself that this would be a great study for my Sunday morning ladies Bible class.

After my walk on the treadmill I learned that a dear friend’s wife who had been very ill with cancer was not doing well, and the prognosis looked grim.  In fact, her memorial service was today.  Before going to the service I was praying through what the Lord would have me share with you today and He led me to look at the last recorded words of Joseph, Moses, David, Jesus and Paul.  I made some notes and prepared to go to the memorial service.  It was a very moving, inspiring and God honoring memorial.  Our pastor was the last to speak and he chose 2 Timothy 4:6-8 as his text.  These verses contain some of Paul’s last words before he died!  Paul finished well and encouraged Timothy to do the same.  “For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure.  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.”  After hearing my pastor’s memorial message I knew the Lord was whispering in my ear some “last word lessons” to share with you today. 

 The book of Genesis closes with the end of Joseph’s life.  He had led a life of one trial after another, which began when his own brothers sold him as a servant to foreigners!  However, the Lord used what the brothers had meant for evil to accomplish His good purpose. Joseph could have ended his life with bitterness, unforgiveness and anger, yet his last words were words of comfort and kindness to the very ones who had treated him wickedly. (Genesis 50:20-21) 
Last words lesson:  Do not return evil for evil, but give a blessing instead! (1 Peter 3:9) Your trial today may be someone else’s treasure tomorrow, so instead of cursing your mistreatment look for Jesus to use it for His purpose and someone else’s good. 

Moses spoke his last words in Deuteronomy 32 as he quoted all the words of the Law to the Israelites and told them that the words he had spoken to them were not just idle words, but that these words were their life!  After speaking these words he spoke a blessing over the sons of Israel.  Moses’ last words were God’s words!  In college when we were at a retreat the girls would talk all night if allowed to, so when someone would say, “His Word is the last word” we all knew that someone was to quote a verse and then no further words would be spoken and it was time to go to sleep.  
Last word lesson:  God’s Word brings us life and peaceful rest. Read them, meditate on them, memorize them, and obey them. Let His Word be ever on your lips and the last thing on your minds as you end each day in rest. 

King David’s life ended in praise and prayer.  1 Chronicles 29:20 records David’s last public words as, “Now bless the Lord your God.”  Then his last word to God was a prayer for his son, Solomon.  “Give to my son Solomon a perfect heart to keep Your commandments, Your testimonies and Your statutes, and do them all, and to build the temple, for which I have made provision.”  “Then he died in a ripe old age, full of days, riches, and honor.”  
Last word Lesson:  David ended his life like he lived it: in praise and prayer to the Father.  Live your life today as if it were your last. 

Jesus’ last words before ascending into heaven are reassuring words to all His followers of his power and presence.  “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20) John, the beloved disciple understood the impact of face-to-face communication with others, when he told his friend, “I had many things to write to you, but I am not willing to write them to you with pen and ink, but I hope to see you shortly, and we will speak face to face.” 
Last word lesson:  Empower others with His Word and encourage others with your presence.

Paul lived his life like a poured out water vessel.  He pressed on, fought the good fight, beat his body, fixed his eyes on Jesus and endured much for the sake of the gospel.  Then, he ended every letter he wrote to the believers in various churches with, “Grace be with you.” 
Last word lesson: No matter how hard it gets in life or in ministry, always, always, always end with words of grace. 

May we seek to live lives filled with words that are blessings, life, praise, prayer, encouraging, and always full of grace.  Oh, Lord let us finish well. 


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Desperate to Hear

I have really missed my children this week, as it was my first Mother’s Day without seeing either one of them.  I did get to hear their voices on Mother’s Day, which is always comforting, encouraging and hearing their voices assures me of their safety and well being.  But, there is nothing so wonderful as seeing them face-to-face and feeling them wrap their arms around me in a much appreciated hug! 

It was with my heart still tender from the weekend that I received a call last night from my daughter's boyfriend asking me if I had heard from her.  He had been calling her and she had not responded and her business partner had called him after he did not hear from her, as well, after several attempts.  Where does the heart and mind of a mother go after hearing that question?  At first I reasoned that maybe she was working and wasn’t able to answer, but then I realized that I had called her as well that day and she had not answered or returned my call.  Then my mind and heart began to be anxious and worry threatened to overwhelm me.  I voiced my concern to Sarah’s boyfriend and he said he was on his way home, but would go straight to her apartment to check on her.  After hanging up, I cried out to God, asking for His protection, provision and peace!  The minutes seemed like hours as I waited to hear from Sarah or her boyfriend.  Finally after thirty minutes, I get a call from Sarah’s boyfriend saying that she was okay.  That afternoon, she had come home and was not feeling well so she took some allergy medicine that caused her to fall into a deep sleep, of which the ringing of her phone would not wake her from.  He assured me she was fine.  A few minutes later my phone rang and as I answer it I heard the groggy voice of my daughter, saying she was okay and that the medicine she took had knocked her out completely.  I told her we had all been concerned about her and was glad her boyfriend had checked on her.  She replied, “He was really glad to see me!” When you haven’t heard from someone and you are concerned for their welfare you are relieved when you finally hear their voice.  And when you haven’t heard from someone after repeatedly trying to communicate and then you finally come face-to-face with him or her, you are overjoyed!  

This makes me think about what it must have been like during the “silent years” between the completion of the Old Testament and the introduction to the coming of Christ in the New Testament. Hundreds of years went by without a spoken or written word from God.  How wonderful it must have been when Zacharias saw the angel, Gabriel, and heard him speak God’s answer to his prayers for a child.   The truths about God had been handed down for centuries, but to finally see and hear from God Himself was a terrifying experience!  Yet it was the most life changing experience of Zacharias’ life! In his unbelief at what God had spoken to him through the angel he was stricken mute, but in God’s mercy and grace he saw with his eyes and heard with his ears the first cries of his newborn son, John, who would have the great God-given task of ushering in the Messiah! 

What was it like for the disciples who had walked and talked with Jesus for three years only to see Him crucified and buried in a cave, no longer seen or heard by them?  There was a period of three days where they did not see him, touch him, or hear his voice.  Then when He rose from the dead and first appeared to some of his disciples, they didn’t even recognize him!  His appearance may have been somewhat disguised, but I think there is a lesson for us here in why they did not recognize him.  So often we become so comfortable with seeing certain people every day.  We hear their voices, see there faces, and may even sit down at a meal with them each day, yet do we really hear their need or see their burden?  Just as the medication caused Sarah to be in such a hard sleep that she could not see us and could not hear our voices, so too, complacency or rebellion hardens our heart, closes our eyes and seals our ears, so that we are spiritually hardened to the voice of God. 

Not hearing from my daughter for a few hours and not seeing either of my children on Mother’s day reminds me of my desperate need to hear from God and to see Him move in the midst of my every day.  Upon hearing her voice I was reassured of her presence and when her boyfriend saw her he was overjoyed that she was safe and secure.  When we hear the voice of our Savior we are assured of His presence in our lives and overjoyed that we will be safe and secure in His hand forever! 

Jesus said in John 10:27-28, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.  I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.”   Just as I anxiously waited to hear my daughter’s voice last night, I must also be attentive and alert to hear the voice of the One who has known me since before I was in my mother’s womb! In fact, He says, “Behold I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door.  I will come in to him and will dine with him and he with Me.”  (Revelations 3:20) 

Thank you Lord that you keep knocking at the door of hearts, urging those who believe to receive your gift of eternal life and the gift of hearing your voice today through your living and powerful Word of God. 

Desperately Seeking Him,

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What Do You Want for Mother’s Day?

Here is a repost from last year's Mother's Day.  It expresses my Mother's heart so well that I had to share it again.  Happy Mother's Day!

What do you want for Mother's Day?  That was the question my precious daughter-in-law asked last night.  At first I couldn’t think of a thing that I wanted or needed for Mother’s Day.  I vaguely remember replying with something to the effect of I just wanted to be with my kids.  But as I awoke this morning that question kept going over and over in my mind and  the answer came – the Word. That is what I want for Mother’s Day.  I want to give my children something for Mother’s Day – a desire for what I have found to be my hope, sustainer, and delight as a mother. 

You see this Mother’s Day I want my children to know how inexpressibly grateful I am for the Word of God.  For it is the Word of God that gave me hope of conceiving after my first pregnancy ended in miscarriage.  (Psalm 27:13-14)  It was the Word of God that sustained me through their growing up years as I prayed the Word  for them to love the Lord their God with all their heart, with all their soul and with all their mind.  (Deuteronomy 6:5) It was those early mornings spent in my “coffee with Jesus” chair with an open Bible that brought me delight and equipped me to share the power of the Word with them as they struggled to find their path in life. I have had the great joy of seeing the Lord answer as I prayed the Word over my children.  I have seen that they love the Lord with all they have and that they faithfully serve Him as godly young adults.

I have found that nothing lasts forever in this world except the Word of God- it stands forever and we can forever stand on it’s promises as mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers.  My prayer for this Mother’s Day and for all to follow is that the Word would sustain me even when I am old and gray so that I may declare God’s power to the next generation and his might to all who are to come.  (Psalm 71:18)
So what is it that I want for Mother’s Day?  The greatest gift I could receive is to see the Word of God give my children hope for their children, sustain them as they raise the next generation and above all else know the inexpressible joy of soaking in His Word for a lifetime! 

Happy Mother's Day